Samanea saman

Suresh Forestry Network

Samanea saman

Samanea saman, commonly known as the Rain Tree, is a large, deciduous tree belonging to the Fabaceae family. Native to tropical regions of Central and South America, it has been widely introduced in various parts of the world due to its ornamental value and shade-providing qualities.

The leaves are compound and fern-like, consisting of numerous leaflets that fold up during the night or in rainy weather, giving it the name "Rain Tree." The leaflets are typically 2-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, creating a dense canopy. While Samanea saman is not currently threatened, its cultivation and management should be sustainable to prevent potential issues in areas where it is introduced, as it can become invasive in some regions.

While Samanea saman is not currently threatened, its cultivation and management should be sustainable to prevent potential issues in areas where it is introduced, as it can become invasive in some regions.