Gliricidia sepium

Suresh Forestry Network

Gliricidia sepium

Gliricidia sepium, commonly known as Quickstick or Mother of Cocoa, is a fast-growing leguminous tree that is widely used as green manure in sustainable agriculture. This versatile plant plays a critical role in soil improvement, as it fixes nitrogen, enhances organic matter content, and helps maintain soil structure. Gliricidia sepium is especially valued for its ability to thrive in diverse environmental conditions, including poor and degraded soils, making it a popular choice for agroforestry, intercropping, and soil erosion control.

When used as green manure, Gliricidia sepium enriches the soil with essential nutrients, improves water retention, and increases soil fertility. It decomposes rapidly when incorporated into the soil, adding organic matter that promotes healthier crops and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Additionally, its robust root system stabilizes soil and helps prevent erosion, making it a valuable plant for land restoration and sustainable farming practices.

Gliricidia sepium is an exceptional plant for enhancing soil health through nitrogen fixation, organic matter addition, and erosion control. Its adaptability to various environmental conditions and its quick growth make it a highly versatile and sustainable choice for improving soil fertility and supporting eco-friendly agricultural practices.